Monday, 25 January 2010

My Project Brief

For my media coursework this year I have to create a trailer for a film, a poster for this film and also a magazine cover; these will all help to promote this new up and coming film. The film which I will be creating is due for release around Valentines Day so some genres will be more dominant around this time for example romantic comedies will be very popular. I will keep this in mind when picking my genre of the film.

My intentions of the project are to create a successful trailer, poster and magazine cover which will entice the audience to come and see the film. I need to make sure I meet my target audience. A way to check that I meet my target audience is to create a questionnaire and find out what my audience likes in films.

First I intend to create a questionnaire to find out what my intended audience want in a film and also what genre most people would be interested in round this time of year.

For my research I will create a questionnaire which will help me find out a lot about my target audience. I will also study a lot of film trailers so I can get information and find out what is included in trailers; for example distributor’s names, voice overs and what types of cuts are used.

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