Monday, 25 January 2010

Start of research

What have you found out in your secondary research so far?

I have been looking at posters, film magazine covers and trailers of certain films and brands are included in all. For example in Shrek there is an image of an ‘S’ with ears included, this is added into every poster, trailer and magazine cover, this helps to represent the film and the logo becomes well known. Another example is the Superman logo which is featured in all posters, magazine covers and trailers. This is always shown as it is worn on the main character all the way through the film and is heavily dependent on its branding. Its enemy Batman wears a different logo and is also heavily dependant on its logo. So in my media film I know to make a brand and include it in my poster, trailer and magazine cover.

What will be your biggest challenge?

My challenge will be creating a short trailer which entices people to see a film. I think I will struggle shortening my film down as I don’t want to give away too much information, but make sure it is good enough to attract a big audience.

What is your next step?

My next step is to get my questionnaire filled in and find out what my target audience want. I will also complete analysis of film trailers, posters and the front cover of magazines.

My Project Brief

For my media coursework this year I have to create a trailer for a film, a poster for this film and also a magazine cover; these will all help to promote this new up and coming film. The film which I will be creating is due for release around Valentines Day so some genres will be more dominant around this time for example romantic comedies will be very popular. I will keep this in mind when picking my genre of the film.

My intentions of the project are to create a successful trailer, poster and magazine cover which will entice the audience to come and see the film. I need to make sure I meet my target audience. A way to check that I meet my target audience is to create a questionnaire and find out what my audience likes in films.

First I intend to create a questionnaire to find out what my intended audience want in a film and also what genre most people would be interested in round this time of year.

For my research I will create a questionnaire which will help me find out a lot about my target audience. I will also study a lot of film trailers so I can get information and find out what is included in trailers; for example distributor’s names, voice overs and what types of cuts are used.